Bizprac: Bizprac Ultimate Package

The Bizprac Ultimate package is the perfect solution for high-volume residential, high-end architectural, and commercial companies juggling multiple software solutions for quoting, accounting, employee management, tax compliance, and other essential business functions.

Using separate software packages often leads to frequent data re-entry, resulting in time-consuming errors and increased workloads for your staff. Additionally, it incurs higher costs due to multiple software subscriptions.

Bizprac consolidates all these necessary tools into a single, fully integrated system specifically designed for the construction industry. Developed by industry experts, it addresses industry-specific needs such as:

– Percentage-based job claims
– Pre-authorization prior to invoicing
– Management of retentions
– Reconciliation of trust accounts
– Holding retention funds for subcontractors

Bizprac Ultimate also features an advanced retentions module, ensuring the efficient management of retention claims at all times.